Our digital offer for the specialised trade:
In the online seminars of the COMWORKS Academy, our sensor experts are available to you virtually and guide you on the way to professional installation.
From the selection and installation of the right product, to correct communication via app and optional connection to existing electronics (indicator displays), to quick diagnosis in the event of a fault.
Step by step, our trainers show you all the necessary basics for commissioning our products using easy-to-understand workshops.
For existing customers and new interested parties:
No matter whether you are already an existing specialised trade customer or you are interested in a future cooperation: In the online seminars of the COMWORKS Academy, our sensor experts are available to you virtually and guide you on the way to the professional installation and operation of our products in order to be able to use them optimally with the end customer. The training courses are individually tailored to your existing level of knowledge and the topics you require.